Monday, June 30, 2008

Eve Triumphant

So much to be thankful for.

Eve has triumphed over evil. She faced her foe and shot him down.
Bonus - it sounds like she's going to have a job offer any day now.
Things are looking very good for her. Awesome, in fact.
I am so happy. She deserves every bit of it.

She is a very special woman. I am proud of her. I love her.
Did I mention how beautiful she is?


Anonymous said...

Several times in fact...(on mentioning how beautiful she was in more ways than one). I hope she gets to read these wonderful words of yours. I can almost imagine whenever you talk about her, your face lighting up and getting a twinkle in your eyes. (Hugs)Indigo

Anonymous said...

Oh, I read it... and hear it. :)

We are very special - together and apart.

xoxo, lovely.